Ricky Camplain, PhD

Ricky has made a life-long commitment to serving and partnering with diverse communities to identify community-informed approaches to advance health equity.
Ricky Camplain, PhD is an Assistant Professor in Indiana University’s Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. My research focuses on chronic disease prevention and health promotion with a primary focus on understanding, in partnerships with communities, the health needs of vulnerable populations, particularly the intersection of being Indigenous and incarcerated. She employs epidemiologic methods to determine how culture, policy, and the social and structural determinants of health in the correctional system can impact healthy behavior and social justice. Ricky is currently building relationships with Indigenous tribes in Arizona and partners with the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care to understand the health and health care needs in Tribal Jails.
She currently serves as a PI on two research studies to determine the physical activity and nutrition needs of women incarcerated in jail. She was also a co-investigator on the “Health Disparities in Jail Populations” study in partnership with our local Criminal Justice Coordinating Council investigating the converging epidemics in our local detention center that impact population health and health care in the Northern Arizona region.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | PhD in Epidemiology | 2017 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | MSPH in Epidemiology | 2014 |
University of New Mexico | BA in Chemistry and Political Science | 2011 |